Sunday, August 20, 2017

At Orientation

How is it Sunday?! I feel like Tuesday was years ago and just a few seconds ago. That's when my dad took me to the airport and I flew (with Christie, my friend going to Mexico, and a few other YAGMs from the East Coast) to Chicago to start our YAGM experience.

Meeting everyone has been exciting, terrifying, comforting, and exhausting. I LOVE many of the YAGMs I've gotten to know, especially the YAGMs in my country group. That means the people I am going to spend the next year with are are interesting, thoughtful, and kind people. I'm glad they are people who can be goofy and fun, and serious and considerate too. But I am an introvert, so I'm a bit exhausted and overwhelmed by the tons of social interaction required of me.

The first night of Orientation, when we were all still exhausted and didn't know each other yet, we had our Opening Worship. It was the most beautiful multicultural service. The space was a worship space in the Lutheran Theological Seminary, with light blonde wood and big soaring ceiling, stained glass windows and huge panes of glass that makes the room feel like an extension of the outdoors. It started with a Gathering Song from Ghana, a prayer, and opening song from  England. After the readings and a reflection by Julie Rossate, the program director, we sang the hymn of the day, which is a Scottish traditional song. It's one of my two favorite hymns.

Then we did the most amazing ceremony. The room was softly lit. The cantor sang a list of countries - she has an angelic voice. After each list, she sang, "Peace be yours," and we responded with, "For the healing of the nations, we pray to you, O God." Laid in front of the altar was a huge map with larger pillar candles and smaller tealights. As our countries were called, each group went up. When the UK was sung, my group filed up and we lit our tealights from the larger candle. We placed our candles on the map near our soon-to-be-home. The map was awash in flickering light. It was such a beautiful sight. Other staff members who had ties to different countries - Nicaragua, for example - had light their candles and placed them there.

After Sharing of the Peace, we started Communion. We sang a Puerto Rican hymn and then sang the Lord's Prayer - but this version was a Cambodian folktune. Every Lutheran knows Lamb of God, but this version was Palestinian. And the Communion hymn was a French Carol. I may have to expand my list of favorite hymns and make it three, to include this hymn.

We sang another Communion Hymn - an African American spiritual - and prayed. We finished with a South African traditional. I loved the global music and the fact that the theme of accompaniment, serving others, and global peace permeated everything we did. It set a wonderful tone for the start of our 8 days together here in Chicago.

We've had a ton of sessions, on everything from policy and logistics to learning about race, power, and privilege. We've spent time in small groups and with our country groups. Last night was a definite highlight. As a complete surprise, the ELCA staff gave each country group a scavenger hunt! It led us to a restaurant themed with our country's food. We went to the cutest British pub. One of the UK YAGM, Sarah, celebrated a birthday, so we had a brownie sundae. Afterwards we went to the Bean, a Chicago landmark, and met up with the other country groups, and then out to a karaoke bar.

I'm feeling very excited to go to York and meet my future friends there, especially as I already feel so warmly welcomed by them. But it will be bittersweet to say goodbye to all the wonderful people here - including UK YAGMs, because we're scattered across the country. I'll be in touch again after I hop across the pond!

Happy Sunday to everyone!

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